About Cape Town Attorneys Association
The CTAA is the largest voluntary association of attorneys in the Western Cape.
The Cape Town Attorneys Association has a long and rich history, tracing its roots back to 1935. The CTAA has always been and remains the largest association of attorneys in the Western Cape. CTAA members mainly operate in and around the Cape Town area.
Before the repeal of the Attorneys Act, the CTAA existed as an attorneys’ association governed by Rule 4 of the Rules of the Cape Law Society, and was then known as ‘Circle 1’.
With the coming into force of the Legal Practice Act, the CTAA now operates exclusively as a voluntary association.
What we do

The CTAA considers and deals with all matters affecting our members and make representations to the Legal Practice Council and other stakeholders on matters affecting the attorney profession. The CTAA assists with settlement of disputes between members and also serves as a conduit between the Legal Practice Council, Judiciary and various stakeholders and members.
The CTAA regularly engages with various stakeholders on behalf of its members. Stakeholders include the State Attorney, Courts, Master’s Office, Deeds Office, the SARS and the CIPC.
With the dissolution of the Cape Law Society, the CTAA has in part taken up the non-regulatory functions of the Cape Law Society including pro bono activities, practitioner seminars, stakeholder relations and practice support.
The CTAA assists members with complaints against institutions including the Magistrate’s Courts, High Court, Labour Court, Master’s Office, Deeds Office, South African Revenue Service and CIPC.
Complaints are usually directed to a specific committee member who then tables it at the CTAA’s monthly meeting. The committee deliberates and decides on the best strategy to address the complaint.
The Cape Town Attorneys Association’s professional work is conducted through specialist committees drawn from the association’s membership. The committee meet monthly to discuss pending legislation, law reform and practice issues in their respective fields.
These specialist committees provide unique expertise and have regularly influenced the law reform activities for the benefit of members.
CTAA have specialist committees in the following areas:
Commercial Law (CIPC, Finance Regulation);
Employment Law (Labour Courts, CCMA);
Deeds Office (Conveyancing);
Master Office (Deceased Estates, Insolvency);
Litigation (High Court, Magistrates Court);
Legal Practice Act (Rules & Regulation);
Marketing (Networking, Social and Communications).